《Kingdom of Wrenly Series》1-17册雷恩利王国系列英文桥梁章节书MP3+PDF 百度云网盘下载

《Kingdom of Wrenly Series》1-17册雷恩利王国系列英文桥梁章节书MP3+PDF 百度云网盘下载
《Kingdom of Wrenly》是小朋友最爱亦翻看得最多次的系列,被众多外国童书网站喻为”Excellent series for early reader”,不但文字简浅,易容阅读,而且内容紧凑,引人入胜。八岁小王子 Lucas 从小就在Wrenly国中的城堡孤单长大,一直憧憬着能有好朋友陪伴。终于在国王首肯下,有了唯一的平民好友Cara。以王子Lucas 和裁缝女儿 Clara 为中心,每集都有不同历险故事,当中有赤龙、巫师、仙子、侏儒、人鱼等让人着迷的魔幻角色,带出友情、亲情、承诺、保护大自然等正面讯息。这部小说在大人眼中,修辞有点平铺直述,情节有点简单,但却非常适合低年级(K to 2年级)的阅读与心智年龄:对胆子比较小的小朋友来说,里面的冒险不会太恐怖;



《Kingdom of Wrenly Series》1-17册雷恩利王国系列英文桥梁章节书MP3+PDF 百度云网盘下载 《Kingdom of Wrenly Series》1-17册雷恩利王国系列英文桥梁章节书MP3+PDF 百度云网盘下载 《Kingdom of Wrenly Series》1-17册雷恩利王国系列英文桥梁章节书MP3+PDF 百度云网盘下载 《Kingdom of Wrenly Series》1-17册雷恩利王国系列英文桥梁章节书MP3+PDF 百度云网盘下载 《Kingdom of Wrenly Series》1-17册雷恩利王国系列英文桥梁章节书MP3+PDF 百度云网盘下载 《Kingdom of Wrenly Series》1-17册雷恩利王国系列英文桥梁章节书MP3+PDF 百度云网盘下载


Kingdom of Wrenly Series – Jordan Quinn – MP3

  • “Kingdom of Wrenly 01 – The Lost Stone”
  • “Kingdom of Wrenly 02 – The Scarlet Dragon”
  • “Kingdom of Wrenly 03 – Sea Monster!”
  • “Kingdom of Wrenly 04 – The Witch’s Curse”
  • “Kingdom of Wrenly 05 – Adventures in Flatfrost”
  • “Kingdom of Wrenly 06 – Beneath the Stone Forest”
  • “Kingdom of Wrenly 07 – Let the Games Begin!”
  • “Kingdom of Wrenly 08 – The Secret World of Mermaids”
  • “Kingdom of Wrenly 09 – The Bard and the Beast”
  • “Kingdom of Wrenly 10 – The Pegasus Quest”
  • “Kingdom of Wrenly 11 – The False Fairy”
  • “Kingdom of Wrenly 12 – The Sorcerer’s Shadow”
  • “12-17未出”

Kingdom of Wrenly Series – Jordan Quinn -EBOOKS

  • “Jordan Quinn – [Kingdom of Wrenly 01] – The Lost Stone.epub”
  • “Jordan Quinn – [Kingdom of Wrenly 01] – The Lost Stone.mobi”
  • “Jordan Quinn – [Kingdom of Wrenly 01] – The Lost Stone.pdf”
  • “Jordan Quinn – [Kingdom of Wrenly 02] – The Scarlet Dragon.epub”
  • “Jordan Quinn – [Kingdom of Wrenly 02] – The Scarlet Dragon.mobi”
  • “Jordan Quinn – [Kingdom of Wrenly 02] – The Scarlet Dragon.pdf”
  • “Jordan Quinn – [Kingdom of Wrenly 03] – Sea Monster!.epub”
  • “Jordan Quinn – [Kingdom of Wrenly 03] – Sea Monster!.mobi”
  • “Jordan Quinn – [Kingdom of Wrenly 03] – Sea Monster!.pdf”
  • “Jordan Quinn – [Kingdom of Wrenly 04] – The Witch’s Curse.epub”
  • “Jordan Quinn – [Kingdom of Wrenly 04] – The Witch’s Curse.mobi”
  • “Jordan Quinn – [Kingdom of Wrenly 04] – The Witch’s Curse.pdf”
  • “Jordan Quinn – [Kingdom of Wrenly 05] – Adventures in Flatfrost.epub”
  • “Jordan Quinn – [Kingdom of Wrenly 05] – Adventures in Flatfrost.mobi”
  • “Jordan Quinn – [Kingdom of Wrenly 05] – Adventures in Flatfrost.pdf”
  • “Jordan Quinn – [Kingdom of Wrenly 06] – Beneath the Stone Forest.epub”
  • “Jordan Quinn – [Kingdom of Wrenly 06] – Beneath the Stone Forest.mobi”
  • “Jordan Quinn – [Kingdom of Wrenly 06] – Beneath the Stone Forest.pdf”
  • “Jordan Quinn – [Kingdom of Wrenly 07] – Let the Games Begin!.epub”
  • “Jordan Quinn – [Kingdom of Wrenly 07] – Let the Games Begin!.mobi”
  • “Jordan Quinn – [Kingdom of Wrenly 07] – Let the Games Begin!.pdf”
  • “Jordan Quinn – [Kingdom of Wrenly 08] – The Secret World of Mermaids.epub”
  • “Jordan Quinn – [Kingdom of Wrenly 08] – The Secret World of Mermaids.mobi”
  • “Jordan Quinn – [Kingdom of Wrenly 08] – The Secret World of Mermaids.pdf”
  • “Jordan Quinn – [Kingdom of Wrenly 09] – The Bard and the Beast.epub”
  • “Jordan Quinn – [Kingdom of Wrenly 09] – The Bard and the Beast.mobi”
  • “Jordan Quinn – [Kingdom of Wrenly 09] – The Bard and the Beast.pdf”
  • “Jordan Quinn – [Kingdom of Wrenly 10] – The Pegasus Quest.epub”
  • “Jordan Quinn – [Kingdom of Wrenly 10] – The Pegasus Quest.mobi”
  • “Jordan Quinn – [Kingdom of Wrenly 10] – The Pegasus Quest.pdf”
  • “Jordan Quinn – [Kingdom of Wrenly 11] – The False Fairy.epub”
  • “Jordan Quinn – [Kingdom of Wrenly 11] – The False Fairy.mobi”
  • “Jordan Quinn – [Kingdom of Wrenly 11] – The False Fairy.pdf”
  • “Jordan Quinn – [Kingdom of Wrenly 12] – The Sorcerer’s Shadow.epub”
  • “Jordan Quinn – [Kingdom of Wrenly 12] – The Sorcerer’s Shadow.mobi”
  • “Jordan Quinn – [Kingdom of Wrenly 12] – The Sorcerer’s Shadow.pdf”
  • “Jordan Quinn – [Kingdom of Wrenly 13] – The Thirteenth Knight.epub”
  • “Jordan Quinn – [Kingdom of Wrenly 13] – The Thirteenth Knight.mobi”
  • “Jordan Quinn – [Kingdom of Wrenly 13] – The Thirteenth Knight.pdf”
  • “Jordan Quinn – [Kingdom of Wrenly 14] – A Ghost in the Castle.epub”
  • “Jordan Quinn – [Kingdom of Wrenly 14] – A Ghost in the Castle.mobi”
  • “Jordan Quinn – [Kingdom of Wrenly 14] – A Ghost in the Castle.pdf”
  • “Jordan Quinn – [Kingdom of Wrenly 15] – Den of Wolves.epub”
  • “Jordan Quinn – [Kingdom of Wrenly 15] – Den of Wolves.mobi”
  • “Jordan Quinn – [Kingdom of Wrenly 15] – Den of Wolves.pdf”
  • “Jordan Quinn – [Kingdom of Wrenly 16] – The Dream Portal.epub”
  • “Jordan Quinn – [Kingdom of Wrenly 16] – The Dream Portal.mobi”
  • “Jordan Quinn – [Kingdom of Wrenly 16] – The Dream Portal.pdf”
  • “Jordan Quinn – [Kingdom of Wrenly 17] – Goblin Magic.epub”
  • “Jordan Quinn – [Kingdom of Wrenly 17] – Goblin Magic.mobi”
  • “Jordan Quinn – [Kingdom of Wrenly 17] – Goblin Magic.pdf”



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